Outdoor NC is a movement that is committed to promoting stewardship throughout North Carolina, inspiring everyone to not only experience the outdoors, but embrace and preserve it as well.

The Outdoor NC Leave No Trace Principles

Our beloved outdoor spaces offer an abundance of fun outdoor activities that await you today. It’s up to each of us to do our part and join the movement to protect these spaces for generations. The seven Outdoor NC Leave No Trace Principles provide a pathway for everyone to have amazing, responsible, and safe outdoor adventures in North Carolina.

Plan Ahead
& Prepare

Stick to Trails &
Overnight Right

Your Trash

Leave It
As You Find It

Be Careful
With Fire

Wildlife Wild

Be Considerate Of Others
& Share The Outdoors

The Outdoor NC Alliance

Accessible Outdoor Adventures in North Carolina

People on bikes in the NC forest
Spending time outdoors provides opportunities to experience life changing benefits for everyone’s physical health and mental well-being. People who are differently abled often encounter obstacles, like physical barriers and concerns about personal safety when trying to find things to do in North Carolina and access outdoor spaces. Outdoor NC is working with partners across the state to address these challenges, creating resources that emphasize accessibility and inclusivity in the outdoors. If you work with a local organization who could utilize these resources to help us improve access to fun outdoor activities in North Carolina, connect with us and become a partner.

Plan Your Next Outdoor Adventure in NC

Planning the Ultimate Hammock Camping Trip​

Frosty Trails & Campfire Tails: Gear Up for a Winter Camping Adventure

7 Accessible Bike Trails in NC for Every Kind of Cyclist​

12 Perfectly Pet-Friendly Outdoor Adventures in North Carolina​

7 NC Fishing Destinations to Hook Your Sense of Adventure

12 North Carolina Mountain Biking Trails for All Skill Levels

Explore the official NC trail town guide


North Carolina is the Great Trails State powered by many “Trail Towns.” These communities serve as a gateway to a diverse network of trails. Our new digital guide highlights these amazing communities, which are also trailblazers when it comes to preserving their natural spaces and making their trails accessible for all. In the guide, you’ll find information on each Trail Town, including trails for every kind of outdoor adventurer to explore in each area.

Find Inspiration for Your Next Trip to North Carolina From Our Partners

From the mountains, to the piedmont, all the way to the coast, there are so many places to explore outdoors in North Carolina – ones you’ve heard of and ones you haven’t yet discovered. Here you can get insider information from locals and find inspiration from those in the know.